Thursday, 7 July 2011

The White Crystal in Our Meals

Before refrigeration was common, salt (sodium chloride) was used as a preservative. Salt is a good preservative because it will retard the growth of spoilage microorganisms .It will cause microorganism dehydration and die due to loss of water. Salt for human consumption is produced in different forms: unrefined salt (such as sea salt), refined salt (table salt), and iodized salt. It is a crystalline solid, white, pale pink or light gray in color, normally obtained from sea water or rock deposits. Edible rock salts may be slightly grayish in color because of mineral content.

Normally, we use the salt to preserve vegetable become salted vegetable or preserved fish into salted salt. This is one of the favorite’s foods in Chinese people, although it is proven that will cause throat cancer. Salt also can use as enhancer of taste and appetite. Salt have many uses such as road maintenance crews apply to keep our cars, trucks and school buses safely on snowy winter roads. We also can use salt to treat throat pain, to clean rust, extend toothbrush life, prevent fruits from browning, treat mosquito bites and kill poison ivy

Sodium ions and chloride ions are the two major components of salt which are needed by all living things in small quantities. Salt involves in regulating the water content (fluid balance) of the body. The sodium ion is used for electrical signaling in the nervous system. However, too much salt increases the risk of health problems, such as hypertension. So, we must take adequate but not more of salt.